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Author: Kaitlyn LaPenn
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The Smart Mom's Survival Guide for Family Ski Trips

Planning a ski trip for the entire family, children included, can be a daunting and stressful task. Family ski trips have the potential to be fantastic adventures, but adequate preparation is key. Take a look at the following tips to minimize your stress and maximize the fun and memories: Clothing As most avid (and non-avid) skiers know, the clothing you wear matters. It can be quite chilly on the slopes, especially for those who are not accustomed to colder weather. Unfortunately, snow clothing is expensive. For your children, scour second-hand clothing stores, both in person and online. Do not be afraid to ask relatives and friends to borrow their kids' ski suits. Avoid making last-minute expensive purchases on the slopes by creating a packing list before the family ski trips. Preparation is key when it comes to ensuring an adequate and warm wardrobe for every family member. Lodging Where you choose to stay for your trip can make or break your vacation. When selecting your accommodations, keep your children in mind. A lot of ski resorts offer activities and childcare for children of all ages. And while it may be true that it can be more expensive to stay at a resort, the price is worth the benefit of a great vacation. Additionally, you will probably not want to ski every day, and if that is the case, a resort that offers other opportunities for entertainment, such as a heated swimming pool, is a good choice. Bonus tip: consider a condominium-style resort, as those lodging options usually offer more space and privacy for a family, but also have perks to make a family ski vacation easier. Ski School Ski lessons are a wise investment for your family and can make the difference for the safety of your children. During these lessons, children will learn to properly handle themselves on the slopes. Also, find the right instructor and the lessons can be a lot of fun for the whole family. The best part about ski school is you do not have to spend your time telling your children what to do and how to do it. Instead, you can rely on someone else to give the whole family beginning and refresher instruction. Just make sure you tip the instructors when finished! Research the Location Before you book a trip, take a look at the surrounding area. Chances are good that you will not spend each day skiing. There are some fantastic towns that offer great festivals and tours that will appeal to both adults and children alike. If you put in the effort before the trip, you may find yourself with a well-planned itinerary that offers fun for the whole family on your family ski trips. Make Time for Yourself The most important advice to give a mother on a family ski trip is to find time for her, even if it is just to read a book. Doing so helps you manage your stress level and enjoy the time you do spend with your family on your family ski trip. After all, you have earned it after planning a ski trip! Preparing your own family ski trip? For more survival tips, check out LiftsWest.com. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9262786